There should be 3 bodies of Association.
1. General Body
2. Management Committee
3. District Committee


a. Formation: The General Body of the Association shall be supreme body of the Association. It shall consist of the all the members of Association.
b. Meeting: The General Body shall meet at least once in a year and Extra-Ordinary General Body meeting can be called by Management Committee at any time to discuss any specific matter by giving short notice to members.
c. Notice Period: Notice Period for General Body annual meeting will be of 15 days, and Extra- Ordinary General Body meeting can be called upon 3 days’ notice.
d. Quorum: The quorum for General Body meeting shall be 2/3rd of the total members of the Association. If the requisite quorum is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned for 2 hours and adjourned meeting shall be held, then there are no limitations of quorum but agenda remain same as previous.
e. Date of Special Seminars: Special seminar of General Body will be held in every five years at the end of session. Date, time and place will be finalized by the Management Committee.


All funds of Association should be deposited in a nationalised bank after opening an account in the name of “Law of Labour ” Advisors Association-U.P.. Bank account should be operated by State President and Treasurer jointly. Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and deposit of all money received on behalf of the Association.


The auditor of the Association shall be from amongst the members of the Association. He shall be appointed in the last Annual General Meeting and shall not be member of the Management Committee.
The Auditor shall check the accounts of the Association from time to time and also after close of the year. The report of the auditor shall be presented to General Body and the final report shall be presented at Annual General meeting of the Association.


The rules of the Association cannot be changed unless it is approved of by the members in Extra-Ordinary Management Committee meeting held after giving 15 days’ notice in writing to all members and is passed by three fourth of the members present and voting or 2/3rd of total membership of Association whichever is higher. Provided further that resolution for amendment in rules can be moved by the State President of the Association on the decision of Management Committee or on the written requisition supported by 1/3rd of total members of the Association.


In any dispute arising between the Association and any other body or person, the Association shall act through the State President or any other person authorised by the Management Committee. All disputes are subject to Ghaziabad jurisdiction.
All legal proceedings on behalf of Association should be done by the Chairman /State President.


All conversation held between members or remarks made by members of the Association shall be confidential and privileged communication and shall not actionable.


(can be maintained computerized.)

a. Membership Register
b. Minutes Book
c. Agenda Register
d. Cash Book and Ledger
e. Voucher file and other documents as and when required


The Association can dissolve itself for merging with any other Association having similar objects if the resolution to this effect is presented by not less than 2/3rd of total membership of the Association in a specially convened meeting after giving notice of at least 21 days. All such proceeding will be in accordance u/s 13 & 14 of Societies Registration Act 1860.